
Friday, July 4, 2008


Malaysia against US interference in Anwar Ibrahim case
Malaysia Sun
Thursday 3rd July, 2008

Malaysian Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar has said the US 'should not interfere' in the investigations into charges of sodomy levelled against opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.
'America should not interfere with a legal exercise in our jurisdiction. This matter (of Ibrahim's sodomy case) is still under investigation and we have not yet come to a conclusion,' Albar, who was the country's foreign minister till March, said in parliament Wednesday.
Ibrahim has denied the sodomy charge levelled by his aide Mohammed Saiful Bukhari Azlan, 23. He has called the case politically motivated. Azlan claimed he had been assaulted at a condominium and that it was not the first time.
Albar said: 'This is not a question of politics. We don't even know if there is a case. If there is nothing, then there is nothing.'
Malaysia would not be bullied into doing what others want, the New Straits Times quoted Albar as saying.
'America has always tried to warn small states like us, but we have never been threatened or felt threatened.
'This case is not like the assassination of a leader in Pakistan or Lebanon. This is a domestic case involving an allegation. So let it be investigated,' Albar said.
The minister also took a swipe at Ibrahim, calling him 'a snitch for the US'.
'Every time something happens, Ibrahim reports back to America. To become a leader in our country, we must be free to act for our country. Why report to other countries and ask for their guidance? We should get guidance from our rakyat (parliament), through our system and processes,' Albar said.
Visiting Thailand Foreign Minister Rais Yatim said he would write to US State Department spokesman Tom Casey 'asking him to explain' under what rudimentary law Washington wanted 'to oppose any use of law enforcement or judicial procedures' with regard to the sodomy allegation against Anwar.
'The government feels it is an outright infringement of the sovereignty of an independent country. Malaysia is a rule of law country within the international community concept,' Yatim was quoted as saying by The Star.
In a hard-hitting editorial, the New Straits Times Thursday noted that the US had acted as per its 'long held view' that Ibrahim was being persecuted at home.
The editorial referred to Ibrahim's trial on the same charge a decade ago, 'which had led the US to lead the international chorus' that questioned the manner of the previous investigations, prosecutions and convictions.
'It is a pattern of behaviour which demonstrates that the US is more likely to act out of political expediency rather than as a matter of principle about the rule of law.'
Claiming that the US was 'throwing stones from a glass house', the newspaper said: 'It is more than enough reason for the government to tell the US to stop meddling in our affairs.'

I just incurious of the Anwar action to against these case. why he want to ask help from the bullshit America to inter fear to this case. actually this is not the case that can breach the human rights constitution in the United Nation Declaration. and I can says this is really a new agenda from Mr Anwar to brings this American Idiots to enter our sovereignty of indepandant of our country. This issue is not a political issue, its a personal issue between Anwar and Saiful thats can't also be inter fear by anybody. But this stubborn leader always makes trouble when someone open up his file and attack him.
This is about Saiful rights. As a human he also has its right to defense himself because of being sexually abuse by Mr Anwar. Hope the truth will reveal soon. I just want to say to Mr Anwar if you didn't do it why you were so scared and trumble around like duck lost its gold egg.....

@ Malaysian people now you know who is the victim...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I was really shock when i read a news paper last four days in the front page issue again its about Mr Anwar Ibrahim with its new gay scandal. Is that true??? I don't know that you better ask Mr Anwar for that answer. He should know that i suppose.. according to him this scandal is the second biggest scandal that being speculate to him by the government. how do he know that i am really confuse about it.. how come a 23 year old guy can even sacrifice is future to do this.. please used your command sense about this.. if you is this 23 year old boy, do you want to do the police report to humiliate yourself and the rest of your family. I'm also heard that this boy already engaged and already has its fiyance and what could happened to his fiyance also. Please think logically and i think mr Anwar is responsible to all these..

I'm also confuse about Anwar also he want the people of Malaysia to be the judge of this crisis. You think this Country didn't have its own rule. You always says this country is using the "Rule Of The Jungle" and now you want to use it as you own alibi. I know you are the biggest "DRAMA QUEEN" and please stop acting around. The true are yet to come and please be ready to face the fact and to all the PKR team i'm scared your party is already soon to be over.. PKR (Parti Keadilan Rakyat) is not releven anymore.....

@ i know what you did last summer.. =P


DATO' SERI ANWAR IBRAHIM lari dari LIWAT. Apakah Anwar boleh lari dari tabiat dan hobi meliwat......Tidak serik serik Anwar meli meli....

Saiful Bukhari jumpa Khairil Anas Sekali Sahaja...

Gambar Saiful Bukhari bersama dengan tunangnya. Akibat tekanan "kerja tugas tugas khas" Saiful akhirnya membuat laporan Polis? Menurut rakan rakannya, Saiful memang merancang mendirikan rumah tangga dalam masa terdekat.
Saiful Bukhari tengah mengambil gambar. Apakah Saiful telah mengambil gambar Anwar untuk dijadikan bahan bukti? Mungkin sebab itulah Anwar lari ke bersembunyi di Kedutaan Turki?.

Saiful Bukhari (berbaju biru) bersama dengan Khairil Anas (Pegawai Khas Dato' Seri Najib). Saiful Bukhari berjumpa Khairil Anas untuk mendapatkan bantuan surat sokongan pinjaman pelajaran MARA. Menurut Khairil Anas, dia hanya sekali sahaja bertemu dengan Saiful Bukhari. Dakwaan mengatakan bahawa Saiful Bukhari pernah bekerja di Pejabat Timbalan Perdana Menteri adalah tidak benar. Gambar inilah yang ditunjukkan oleh Wan Azizah (Ketua Pembangkang) dalam sidang media pada 29 Jun 2008. Gambar ini sengaja didedahkan semata mata bertujuan untuk mengukuhkan dakwaan pembangkang bahawa ada konspirasi untuk menjatuhkan Anwar.

Saiful Bukhari (berkot dan bertali leher coklat, berdiri di belakang Dato' Azalina) ketika bersama-sama pemimpin pelajar yang lain. Saiful Bukhari bukanlah budak pembancuh air kopi di pejabat Anwar Ibrahim. Dia dilantik menjadi Pembantu Khas Anwar Ibrahim menggantikan tempat Rahimi Osman yang sebelum itu menjadi Pembantu Khas Anwar pada awal bulan Mac 2008. Berapa kalikah Anwar berjumpa Saiful Bukhari ?

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Penipu Nombor Satu Dunia boleh Jadi Rakan Kongsi BIG LIAR...

Asalamualaikum rakyat malaysia yang saya kasihi, ini adalah makluman kepada anda bahawa kita telah kenal pasti ketua penupu besar iaitu penasihat PKR, keraguan saya ialah jika penasihat itu tidak bersalah kenapa harus beliau lari ke kedutaan Turkey, malahan negara kita ini selamat daripada kekejaman dunia. Walaupun ada ugutan membunuh beliau dimana saya tidak percaya kerana ini semua adalah rekaan semata-mata. untuk makluman penasihat PKR ini hanya berdepan dengan pegawai kanannya bukannya hantu jembalang dan dia mesti tahu perwatakan orang kanan dia. dia menuduh kerajaan konspirasikan cerita ini dan membunuh karier politiknya jika jangkaan meliau benar, mengapa harus perdana menteri kita keluarkan beliau daripada bilik besi, seharusnya beliau tidak dikeluarkan. Jangan lah dijadikan isu ini sebagai isu yang tidak masuk akal. semasa beliau dikeluarkan ramai yang tidak bersetuju dan marah kepada perdana menteri kita, beliau seharusnya berterima kasih kepada kerajaan malaysia kita. bagi pendapat saya, Jika dia tidak bersalah saya syorkan dia pergi ke masjid di depan Tok Guru Nik Aziz beliau menjunjung sumpah quran dan mengatakan beliau tidak berbuat demikian. saya serta rakan-rakan saya yang beribu-ribu diluar berpendapat orang kanannya tidak tahan diperlakukan sebegitu. oleh kerana itulah beliau membuat laporan. saya juga merasai yang membuat laporan ini bukannya orang bodoh atau penipu. presiden PKR harus peka dan tahu apa yang suaminya lakukan jangan tuduh melulu kepada orang di luar. pemimpin-pemimpin kita semuanya berpelajaran dan mempunyai minda yang cerdik. saya menyeru kepada ahli-ahli PKR janganlah anda gadaikan negara ini demi kepentingan parti anda.. saya mohan kepada kerajaan malaysia menjaga keselamatan si mangsa.

Karpal Singh - Singh Is King

Karpal Singh - Singh Is King
mamat ni dah nyanyuk dah.. emm jalan pun dah tak boleh dah.. ada hati nak jadi KING... Samdol ada la.. Muka mcm Dogong Afrika ada pulak keinginan nak jadi King... Baduwa Rascall.... !!!

Wild Dogs !!!!

Wild Dogs !!!!
Memang Bahaya, Memang Liar dan Sememangnya GANAS!!!! ( Kurap pun ada)




kini filem terbaru arahan Anwar Baba yang memaparkan kisah kehidupan haiwan di Bukit Selambau. Mereka seronok berada di sana sehinggalah kedatangan BaBi ( suara latar Tressa Kok) yang cuba untuk merampas kuasa Singa ( suara latar Anwar Ibrahim) dan mahu menjadi raja di kawasan Bukit Selambau itu. Apakah kesudahannya??? marilah sama-sama kita saksikanya di pawagam yang berdekatan